Raising the Standard
There is a need for the children of God to understand the times, to learn to pray together, to move forward, to fight His battles in intercession and spiritual warfare as He directs and to find that place of true safety in Christ. The aims of “Raising the Standard” meetings are to do just these things.

Call To Men
God required all men of Israel, who were able to do so, to go to Jerusalem three times a year (Exodus 34 v23, Deuteronomy 16 vs16-17). These meetings are for Christian men to gather together to pray for the nation and the church.
Days of Prayer
Corporate prayer focussing on relevant issues of particular importance in the nation, locality, and the church. The days also include information and ministry from the Word of God and are held twice a year.
Search The Scriptures
This weekend (run every two years) is for men who want to learn how to get into God’s Word. During the weekend we will outline five ways of doing so with a focus on Bible study and Bible meditation. This weekend is not just for potential preachers and teachers. No expertise or experience is needed – just a hunger for the Word of God.
Weekend of Intercession & Bible Ministry
This is held every August Bank Holiday weekend. Each day includes corporate prayer about issues in the nation and in the church, and ministry from the Word of God.
All events are run by Simon Wyatt and David Fellows. Bible teaching is available from https://rtsbibleteaching.wordpress.com. For dates and further details of these events please contact Alan Mason (rtstandard@tiscali.co.uk or on 01702 293316).