The Sunday morning service (including Children’s Work/Sunday School) is currently held at Bramley, Surrey, and commences at 10.00am, lasting for approximately an hour and a half and includes time for worship and the ministry of the Word.
The worship is mostly open and we seek to be led and directed by God through His Word and through His Holy Spirit. We are open to the exercise of the gifts of the Spirit. There may also be opportunity for the sharing of testimonies, as the Lord leads. Twice a month the service incorporates the Breaking of Bread. Children’s Work/Sunday School runs parallel to the main service.
The leading and preaching comes from the eldership, with regular help in leading from others who also share in the leadership of mid-week fellowship groups. Occasionally, we have a guest speaker from the UK or from other parts of the world. Sermons are recorded and available on the church website in the resources section.
Please contact the church office for further information.