A ten episode documentary, of various lengths, directed and produced by multi-award winning filmmaker Hugh Kitson. Presented by Colonel Richard Kemp CBE, together with a group of historians and international lawyers, it examines the conflicting claims of the Palestinians and Israelis to the land of Israel through the eyes of verifiable history and international law.
The documentary starts with Episode 1 taking a brief look at the ancient history of the Land of Israel, and finishes with the 1948 Declaration of Independence of Israel in Episode 10.
Part 2 of this documentary series, containing further episodes bringing us up to the present day, is in the process of being produced.
Episode 1 – ‘Foundations of Palestine’ (08:52)
Episode 2 – ‘Ottoman Turkish Rule over Palestine’ (10:54)
Episode 3 – ‘Zionist Movement & the Balfour Declaration’ (10:47)
Episode 4 – ‘Paris Peace Conference & the League of Nations’ (08:35)
Episode 5 – ‘San Remo Resolution’ (10:38)
Episode 6 – ‘Role of Winston Churchill in the Mandates’ (05:03)
Episode 7 – ‘Legal Obligations of the Mandate for Palestine’ (09:18)
Episode 8 – ‘1939 White Paper & It’s Tragic Consequence’ (11:48)
Episode 9 – ‘Rights of the Jewish People in the UN Charter’ (04:15)
Episode 10 – ‘Britain’s Betrayal Exposed’ (12:48)